Monday, December 20, 2010
Joyeux Noel
Monday, December 13, 2010
the centre de Jeunes Adults avec mon Amies
the famous hiding wall in old Geneva
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
my friend and neighbor, EIiiane
the beautiful places we have walked
Since we still don't have the internet it is very difficult to post each week. We have adventures everyday because we like to walk everywhere. We have been downtown to the Reformation wall. the Gex waterfall, the Thoiry fields, and lots of beautiful mountains and agriculture. We just love being in both France and Switzerland
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
First FHE at Geneva, Switzerland
Last night we held our first FHE, with about 12 by the end of the night. We had french, spainsh mongolian, italian and english speakers. The lesson was on Love one another is the same in any language and then we played a getting to know you game that I made up. I made applesause which was a hit because not everyone had tasted it before. We also discussed the three service projects we have until Christmas, Humanitarian for 420 Botswana children, who need school suplies and health products, Collecting food for the needy, and Caroling around the city. Today we took a little field trip 6 k away to Gex, France, a very cozy ville important during W W I and W W II.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
success at last
I have tried to put a pic in but we do not have our own internet yet so until then I will try to keep all updated. I continue to type on a french key board so it is a little tiresome. But our success is in getting to the Institute in under one hour. We love our calling, it is beautiful and cold now. We are working with great couples and tonight will hopfully meet some more YSA.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Mcdonald Grandkids
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Here at last- General Conference weekend
This week has been full of service projects for Jim, as typical of his self-less oriented style. I taught yoga at Nattie's classroom, and became Calvin's shadow. So we went to the park, the zoo, supermarket, and played outside. On our way to Angie's I received a call from Germany from President Shumway in charge on all the European CfYA. We also had to do some last minute paper work for insurance while over in Europe. Yesterday we visited with Nikki and family. And finally today is General Conference which we will attend the afternoon session. Can't wait the feel and be with all the Leaders of the Church
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
New Baby McDonald
Monday, September 20, 2010
We are staying with Derek,Missy ,Jake, and Kayla
Made it to Utah
We left for Las Vegas later than I thought we would. At the end the house was empty and I reflected on how hard it was to but the home and keep it during all the single years. Sis Soper brought over two big boxes of jam and that took us over the edge for packing. We had to leave our coolers with friends. Good visit with the Warnicks then off the Provo. By the time I got to the MTC I had blisters all over my feet so I had to go barefoot! It was good to meet with our tutor and get more french training
Monday, September 13, 2010
check, check, check
After the thumb surgery I flew to Val's to re-cooperate for a week then flew home late Wednesday night, Thursday the Dr. took the stitches out and we went to serve the last time at the temple with homemade cinnamon bread to celebrate. We slept at the temple Apt. and awoke at 4:00am to catch our flight to San Francisco to get our French Visa..Wow we were tired!, Visited SF ,and fell asleep awaiting for our flight. The French consulate was very French until he noticed that I was Lady Chatterley and then he joked with me about being the "Lady". We visited a 35 story building that Jim constructed and the "boss" let us up on the roof that looked over the whole city, golden gate bridge, coit tower, pier 39, after we had clam chowder and shrimp salad.
Saturday was wash, study French with our tutor and write our talks.
Sunday at 8:00am we and 3 other missionaries including one returning, met with the high council. We born testimony and visited with them
At 9:00am we were set apart and it was the most spiritual experience I have ever had. We are both blessed with the gift of tongues, and health. I, the power of discernment and an overflowing knowledge of the language and overflowing love for Jim. I was told that we would be more blessed away from our children and grand children. It was the most spiritual experience.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
re cooperating from thumb surgery
Yesterday I had in office surgery on my triggger thumb and don't really ever want to go through that again, to hear and feel the surgery- no put me under, but at least i can say that I did experience it. So tomorrow, very early I fly to Val's for R&R while Jim finishes the major clean up on the house. keeping this short- can't type
Friday, August 27, 2010
Too much studying
We enjoyed the weekend with the Chatterley reunion and Seth's farewell. we went to Lake Tahoe on Sat. and Sunday was food, family and fun (along with church, of course). This whole week was about Seminary and Institute, classes and instruction, along with studying French in between.Thursday night was my last full night as an ordinance worker (at least for 2 years). I am attending the Southern California Institute training tomorrow in Valencia. And of course everyday a few more things get packed away. I even started folding my clothes for the mission! Just haven't packed them yet. Too soon.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
family reunions continue
We are in between reunions so I will update. Hopefully sometime I will be able to post the family pics we took in Zions. First we went to Bryce canyon and with out cell phone we connected at noon from California, Michigan,Draper, and SLC. We hiked and visited as we all haven't been together since grandma Joyce's funeral. Then we drove down to Zion's. We stayed in a lovely large home and got to swim, hike, play dress ups, dance, sing, church, and eat. All the Lunds were there except the Mark Lund family and we greatly missed them., and of course Dallas who is serving in DI. Today is wash, water, study,clean some more and get ready for the Chatterley reunion. As Jim and I drove we studied the Scripture mastery and French. We had many blessings and prayers answered while we traveled, even a li.s
Thursday, August 12, 2010
family reunions
This week we first the family reunion's. First we will be at the Lund's for the Zion's Ponderosa s Ranch.'s Then off to the Chatterley 's for Seth's farewell. In the mean time we have been blessed to have confirmed the date to get our French visa in San Francisco, Sept 10. We have also been studying the scripture mastery and have Cd's on French. So while we are traveling we will be studying.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Last week was a tough week getting all the info that is needed for our visa Today I am awaiting the last piece of info they need, my birth certificate coming all the way from Penn, I guess by pony express. Once we get that when we will quick mail all the SLC and then wait for the call the go to San Francisco to get our French visa. This I am preparing for the Lund reunion in Zion's Ponderosa and then off to the Chatterley reunion for Seth's farewell. One more interesting thing happen last Wednesday , we got the code to get into the S & I, that is Seminary and Institute! Wow there is tons of info there. Too scary! I am upping my study time after looking at all that! But many wonderful spiritual blessings already. The Lord answers prayers even my humble silly ones.
Monday, August 2, 2010
New travel stree Aug 2,2010
We get a phone call from Mission travel today asking where our info is, and wondering if we ever got it, well we never got it! So now we are having to get original birth,,marriage, police report, bank info, all for a French and Swiss Visa, It looks like we will be in Ferney-Voltaire, right across the river from Geneva, but in Frence, I sure am glad that I am studing Francais.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Aug 1, House rented
We have finally finished the paper work and are happy to say that Elaine and Rex will be living in our house while we are on our mission. Dorothy Ae helped make all this possible by being" at the right place and the right time." Today we feel blessed to have been working hard at cleaning up, and sorting ,and giving away many things that we no longer need. Jim celebrated his brithday this week and we are hoping to get him some better shoes to use. We are soring out suticases and trying to find theright backpacks. All theses things get in the way on me studying french everyday and reading up on Switzerland and of course studying Preach my Gospel.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
mission call
Hopefully this will be posted today, July 11,2010. We received our call to Geneva Switzerland mission on July15, 2010. Thursdays are the evenings we serve as ordinance workers in the LA temple. We waited by the mailbox and then called as many as we could before we got to the temple. Since then we have had to make alot of changes in the home to get it ready to rent. This means there is alot for DI or anyone intersted in getting free stuff. Let's see if I did this right and I can post this blog. Luv to all, Mimbo Patterley
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